Mobile Marketing

Why Daily Active Users (DAU) Is So Important For App Developers
Battle of the Sexes: App Use Differences Between Men and Women
App Developers: Are You Using All of the Best Advertising Channels Available to You?
Hit All The Best Advertising Channels Through Mobile Ads
Mobile Takes Over Back to School Shopping
Native Advertising – A Brief History & How it Found a New Home on Mobile
Case Study: Successful App Genres in India
A Regional Perspective on the Global Mobile Market
5 Steps to a Successful App Strategy for Latin America

Engineering Blog

Mexico: An Economy of Scale Beyond the BRICS
Smart Travel Apps for a Mobile Generation
SingleTap™ Installs – Breaking Down the Barriers to App Engagement
From Smartphone to Super Home
Brazil: The App Economy is About to Explode
Females Found to be More Smartphone Savvy than Males
Gen Z – Will the Smartphone Generation Change the Way We Work
Are You Losing 21 Percent of Your Ad Budget to Fraud?
Can a Smartphone App Really Help Improve Our Mental Health?
Too Cool for School – Education Apps
Global Consumer Spending on Apps Tops $101 Billion in 2018
Can You Bank on the Google Play Store’s Security?
Reader’s Choice
Introducing DT’s New Podcast: Mobile Explorers
How Mobile Ads Can Grow Loyalty, Drive Referrals, and Retain Customers

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