Dani Shemesh

Manage Development and Delivery Workflow with JGit-Flow and Jenkins-Pipeline - Part I
Manage Development and Delivery Workflow with jGit-flow and Jenkins-Pipeline – Part III
Manage Development and Delivery Workflow with jGit-Flow and Jenkins-Pipeline – Part II
Tuning your Akka to Get the Most from your Actor-Based System – Part I
Tuning your Akka to Get the Most from your Actor-Based System – Part II
Developing Behavior-Driven Tests for JEE Web Applications with Jbehave – Part I
Developing Behavior-Driven Tests for JEE Web Applications with Jbehave – Part II
Developing Behavior-Driven Tests for JEE Web Applications with Jbehave – Part III
Syncing Kubernetes and Hashicorp Consul
Terraform Synced-State Validation
Overcoming the Secrets Management Challenge with Hashicorp Vault and the Hashi-Tools Library