Top Game Developer Enjoys 7x Lift in Conversion Rates with SingleTap™ Installs

Ask anyone who has been in business for anylength of time and they will tell you that it is always easier and thereforecheaper to drive new revenues from an existing customer or client than it is towin a new one. This rule is based on a number of factors, including reputation,trust and a lack of friction making it easy to do business.

The more friction, the less likely they will spend so freely with you. Therefore, it is vital for any business hoping to increase Lifetime Value (LTV) to smooth the route to create up-sell opportunities. This can present a significant problem for many app developers.

While reputation and trust are all in thehands of the developer (in terms of the quality of their service), the route tomarket is a potential source of friction. This is particularly true whenlooking at the Google Play store and other app marketplaces.

AppStore Friction

Persuading smartphone users to download anapp can be a rather disjointed experience. The friction of jumping from thebrand experience of a mobile website or app to the Google Play store, and backagain creates a lot of friction. This friction gives the user the opportunityto re-evaluate if they actually need or if they can actually be bothered todownload your app. It’s a similar experience to “cart abandonment” in eCommercewhen an unexpected shipping fee or delivery delay makes them consumerre-consider their purchase. In the app eco-system, every additional tap is anopportunity to lose a download.

FurtherReading: AppDistribution: Alternative Routes to Market for Android Developers


Reducing friction has never been moreimportant. In the digital age, consumers expect instant gratification and withso many organizations out there vying for their attention, it’s easy to see howpeople get distracted and lose focus on the job at hand — even if this doesjust involve a couple of clicks on a smartphone screen.

Digital Turbine’s SingleTap™ solution is all about reducing customer friction and deliveringdownloads from a single tap. That single tap could come from a link or a banneron a mobile website, an email campaign, or via a push notification on anexisting app. This creates real opportunities to get strategic with your appmarketing campaigns.

FurtherReading: SingleTap™Installs – Breaking Down the Barriers to App Engagement


Digital Turbine helped one top gamedeveloper realize a 7x increase in their conversions rates by helping thembuild on existing relationships and reducing friction.

Players were initially attracted to thedeveloper’s games via a series of pre-loaded campaigns. This enabled thedeveloper to reach a critical mass of smartphone users at a time when they weremost engaged with their devices — the moment of unboxing.

FurtherReading: DigitalTurbine’s Secret Sauce: Reaching New Users at Scale

Players were then sent a push notificationpromoting a new and exciting game from the same developer which they coulddownload with a SingleTap™. Bydramatically reducing points of failure (users didn’t even have to leave theapp they were in), this game developer enjoyed a staggering increase in theirconversion rate, helping them present more revenue earning opportunities totheir users over a wider portfolio of apps.

7xLift in Conversion Rates

This incredible cross-promotion utilizingDigital Turbine's pre-loaded campaign inventory and frictionless SingleTap™ solution saw a 7x lift in conversion rates when compared topromoted downloads routed via the Google Play store. Downstream engagement andretention for the new app remained on par with users acquired through the appstore.

The moral of the story is pretty clear:

A better user experience drives betterconversions and better customer lifetime value. IN fact, everything is betterwith SingleTap™.


To learn more about how pre-loading and theSingleTap™ solution fromDigital Turbine can help you dramatically increase engagement across yourportfolio of smartphone apps, contact us today and ask to speak with one of ourapp marketing experts.

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