Getting your first smartphone is a rite ofpassage for many children. For many it’s that first glimpse of freedom, givingthem access to the outside world many years before they can get behind thewheels of a car. It connects them to their peers, allows them to discover newtrends (music, fashion, ideas) outside of their families interests, and helpsto shape the person they will become in the years to come. And let’s notforget, if you listen to your kids (and we’re all kids at heart) smartphonesare really cool — so you’ve just got to get one and the sooner the better.
Whento Buy Your Kids First Smartphone
Parents will, of course, take into considerationa number of factors before buying their kid’s first smartphone. They will haveto make a judgement on the individual child’s maturity, the environment theyare entering (some schools don’t allow smartphones), and a whole heap of gutinstinct (the real power behind most parenting decisions).
Whether parents follow BillGates’ advice and resist pester power to buy their children’s firstsmartphone until high school or bow to the pressure and put a device in thehands of a younger child (the average child in the United States gets theirfirst smartphone when they are 10-years-old) there is little doubt, the newschool year seems like a great time to buy a new device.
This assumption is backed up by NationalRetail Federation (NRF) figures that suggest upwards of 54% of parents areplanning to buy expensive electronic devices, such as smartphones, tabletsand laptop computers, for the new school term.
Further Reading: Back to School – It’s Like the Holidays Come Early.
The back to school sales peak is alsohighlighted by the high profile industry marketing campaigns trying to captureparents attention at this time of the year.
WhatShould Parents Look for in a Smartphone?
There are several things parents should lookout for when buying a smartphone for their children.
FurtherReading: BRICS: ASmart Future Built on Affordable Devices.
FurtherReading: BatteryLife: Smartphones Go Back to the Future.
Check theBuyers Guides
To help parents select the best device fortheir kids we’ve scoured the web for the best back to school buyers’ guides:
The Backto School Opportunity for App Developers
With so many new devices entering the marketat this time of year, this represents a huge opportunity for app developers to targetnew users.
Digital Turbine helps developers pre-loadtheir apps on specific devices so they are ready for engagement from the momenta new device is unboxed — and you’ll never see more engagement than when a kidunboxes their first smartphone. Whether your app offers an educational resourceor a little fun and games you can potentially play a significant role inhelping a new device owner learn more about their smartphone.
To learn more about how you can usepre-loading to target the lucrative back to school market, speak to one of ourapp marketing experts today.