How InnoGames Scaled Their UA Campaigns with 3.2 Million Direct-to-Device Dynamic Install

Dynamic Installs achieved more than double the amount of active users than their traditional advertising campaigns

Dynamic Installs
Increase in Initial Ad Spend

It's a “win-win-win situation” because users get instant access to apps they can trust, mobile operators increase customer connection and loyalty because they are offering great apps out of the box, and InnoGames can activate and motivate high-quality users from the get-go. To top it off, ad fraud isn’t a problem.

Funda Yakin, Director of Media & Marketing Development

Company Overview

InnoGames is Germany’s leading app developer of mobile games with annual revenues of more than 160 million Euros. Their top titles include Forge of Empires, Elvenar, and Tribal Wars. Their portfolio spans six live games and a continuously expanding mobile title collection.

The Strategy

InnoGames initiated an on-device campaign to seamlessly install their apps on newly activated Android devices in the U.S. Over the following months, they found that users who interact with dynamically installed apps had higher retention rates,  conversion rates, and overall loyalty. While these campaigns had comparable CPIs, InnoGames saw LTVs increase by up to 40%. These successes stem from the user trusting apps that come already installed on their phone. Compared to other time-tested advertising platforms, using targeted Dynamic Install campaigns for their gaming apps delivered a far greater ROI.InnoGames has since increased spend almost 10X and has reported impressive increases across all campaign KPIs.

The Solution

By leveraging DT Growth and Dynamic Installs, InnoGames was able to maintain CPIs while achieving a much higher conversion rate. The ability to target the right audience-device combinations led to reaching highly engaged users that were significantly more likely to interact with their games again and again.

The Results | Campaign KPIs

Compared to other tried and true marketing platforms, Dynamic Installs on targeted devices delivered a far greater ROI.

  • 3.2 Million Dynamic Installs
  • Higher Retention
  • Higher LTV
Increase customer LTV
United States
Targeted Devices
High-end Android devices
Ad Unit
Dynamic Installs

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