You’d Be Nuts to Not Market Your App In Brazil

Key Takeaways

  • App publishers that have optimized for the Brazilian market and invested in UA are reaping BIG rewards
  • The user base in Brazil is fast-adopting, which means if you aren’t in Brazil, the time is now!
  • However, with market maturity comes a change in behavior. Overall, reliance on ads for app discovery is decreasing. People find apps more organically these days, which means brands need to look to non-traditional methods to get/stay top of mind.
  • In a market like Brazil where there will be a TON of New Device Owners, UA strategies that target New Device Owners, like preloads, make a whole lot of sense.

For a deep dive into how leading app marketers found success in Brazil? Check out these 7 charts!Does your app work in Brazil? While it can’t support everyone, Brazil’s mobile infrastructure has been growing by leaps and bounds to support the market. If you’ve optimized your app for Brazil and already realize the HUGE opportunity, no need to read further - check out these 7 charts that leading app marketers learned to win UA in Brazil.For others, what are you waiting for? Recently, VentureBeat published a profile of the growing opportunity in Brazil calling it the “smartest decision an app publisher can make this year”. With a young user base (a median age of 32), smartphone owners in Brazil have been quick to adopt the mobile lifestyle with amazing growth in app categories like social networking, shopping, food delivery, gaming and others. The rewards for publishers who have invested in UA have been plentiful - and there is still plenty more opportunity ahead.Mobile growth in Brazil will continue to grow over the next couple years. But as the market matures, expect a change in behavior - as we’ve seen in mature markets like the US. Overall in the US, reliance on ads for app discovery is decreasing. This is due to smartphones becoming the go-to method for killing time. The mobile-savvy audience in Brazil is already very tied to using their apps to kill time - 72% of them play a game every day with the majority playing for over an hour! As this increases, they become less in-tune to the friction involved with in-app, social, and web ads. This means that publishers should look to supplement those strategies with non-traditional methods.A great way to reach those users in Brazil that you won’t find through traditional UA is through preloads. As the market grows, there will still be a TON of new device owners. And as more phones become available in the market, many more will be looking to upgrade. Our blog series on the “New Device App-alanche” has shown that new device owners install as many as 3x more apps than those that have had their device longer - which makes utilizing a UA strategy that targets New Device Owners a no-brainer for those looking to make a footprint in Brazil and Latin America.Looking for how leading app marketers found success in Brazil? Check out these 7 charts!

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