Will Mobile World Congress Reboot Mobile Device Sales?

Smartphone sales have had a tough time ofit recently. More expensive devices, changes in the way people buy phones, andnear market saturation have resulted in people keeping hold of their devicesfor much longer than manufacturers would like. However, there is light at theend of the tunnel with many experts predicting the “smartphonesales recession” could be over in a matter of weeks.

All eyes are on the mobile industry’sflagship event, Mobile World Congress (MWC), which is hosted in Barcelona andopens on February 25th.

Dozensof New Smartphones

According to mediareports, dozens of new smartphones will be launched to coincide withthe event, and some of them might be very different from anything we have everseen before.

Could the Mobile World Congress 2019 be thestart of a whole new era in smartphone innovation?


Samsung, the world's most successful devicemanufacturer, will be launching three new devices in the run-up to the event.

The GalaxyS10e, the S10, and the S10+ will be big, powerful and bristling with cameras –so not too much to get excited about but there are also high hopes for aglimpse of the companies soon to be launched (this side of summer) foldabledevice.


The Chinese manufacturer isalso rumored to have a foldable device which many execs at the company will behoping might deflect some of the negative news the company has been receivingin recent months.

Whether foldable devices arethe future of smartphone design remains to be seen, but if they catch thepublic's attention, it'll be the most prominent design shake-up in well over adecade. Let's face facts, most smartphones, no matter how innovative, don'tlook too different from the devices in our pockets a decade ago.


LG (like Samsung, anotherSouth Korean smartphone powerhouse) will apparently be sticking with tried andtested designs with the launch of the LG G8 ThinQ – but don’t let appearancesput you off. While the phone looks the same as virtually every other device,it’s screen packs a real punch.

The G8 features an OLEDscreen that doubles as an amplifier. For music lovers, film fans and gamers,this might be a real opportunity to buy a truly immersive entertainment system.With entertainment being at the top of many smartphone owners priorities thiscould prove to be an innovative move. Consider how many times you might haveheard someone complaining about the “tinny” sound coming from their smartphonespeaker as opposed to wondering why their device doesn’t fold in half.

Xiaomi, Oppo, and Lenovo

Xiaomi, Oppo, and Lenovo are also betting big onfoldable devices. While these devices are all at an early stage – we might justget a glimpse at the show.  If nothing else,it’ll be interesting to see how Lenovo can justify a $1,500 price tag on theirsoon to be launched foldable Razr device.

Nokia, Sony, and Energizer

Nokia and Sony will beoptimizing your selfies with new multiple camera devices. The Nokia 9 PureView whichwill hopefully get an airing at the show is rumored to have five rear cameraswhich put Sony's Xperia XZ4 to shame with only three.

Then there’s Energizer, whomight be a new name to you but will certainly be making a lot of noise at thisyear’s event by launch 26 new devices, one with a dualpop-up selfie camera – promising to deliver the highest quality “duck-faced”selfies yet.

Digital Turbine

Mobile WorldCongress wouldn’t be the same without the Digital Turbine team, and we’ll beattending in force.

You can find uson Stand D51 in Hall 8.1.

Want to avoidthe crowds? Contact us today to book a meeting with one of the app marketing ordevice monetization experts today.

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