The Relationship Between the Super Bowl and Apps

Sunday, February 7, 2016 is the Super Bowl, the National Football League (NFL) Championship and the world’s most popular (and pricey) event for advertisements. With around 114 million people viewing each Super Bowl on TV, advertisers can expect to spend up to $5 million dollars for a single 30-second ad slot. Potentially having hundreds of millions of eyeballs seeing your ad (and brand) make the extraordinary ad prices acceptable for a few businesses. And as Super Bowl ratings continue to rise, a case can be made for high ad spending during this once-per-year event for some large brands. However, for most companies and brands, daily engagement is what you want - and for that think Apps.The Super Bowl is an Annual event, Smartphones and Apps are DailyOutside of the Super Bowl however, a remarkably different advertising world has emerged—one where US consumers spend more time using mobile apps than watching TV. This shift away from watching TV is even more pronounced with millennials, 70% of whom engage with social media on their devices during TV commercials—if they watch TV at all. To gain the attention of these mobile-obsessed consumers, new advertising strategies are needed.To Win In 2016, Think Micro-MomentsIn an era where people have more options (and shorter attention spans), it’s essential to gain their attention during micro-moments—specific moments when internet-enabled consumers make split second decisions and actions, increasingly through their mobile devices.Mobile devices provide the greatest medium to provide the information (and experiences) consumers want during these short windows of opportunity.It’s up to your business to determine the best way to create this experience. Here’s a hint: we think it’s through mobile apps.Enjoy the Super Bowl and the excellent ads!

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