The Offensive Playbook for Advertisers

The Big Game is coming! Football fans will soon be gathering in front of their TV with their friends, snacks, and of course, their smartphones. So while the Eagles and Chiefs will be battling for gridiron glory, advertisers everywhere will be waging a different battle - one for consumer attention! 

So what’s the right game plan? This week we’ll reveal the offensive playbook that will help you get aggressive and score big on Super Bowl Sunday. Next week we’ll focus on defense and show you how to protect your ad buys and win the game! 

Remember last year’s Coinbase QR code ad? Proving that sometimes less is more, the minimal ad got people to engage and sign up thanks to an offer of free crypto! The spot was so popular it “broke the internet” and won awards. And it also proved that it was possible to make an immediate TV ad to smartphone connection.

With this in mind, we at Digital Turbine conducted a survey of 250+ Super Bowl fans about how they’ll interact with their smartphone during the game. And from this data came a game plan for advertisers to come up winners not only on Super Bowl Sunday, but beyond. Here’s how they can score on offense:

Mobile Gamers Are Wide Open for a Pass

Compared to non-gamers, Mobile Gamers are 50% more likely to say they're "more interested/ready to engage" this year with mobile calls-to-action in Super Bowl TV commercials. Additionally, gamers are over 50% more likely to remember engaging with a mobile-enhanced TV ad from last year’s game (28% versus 17%). 

Mobile gamers are primed to receive your ad! Just as long as you get them the ball. 

Throw The Perfect Spiral

While gamers are ready to engage, not all plays will succeed. According to our survey, gamers' motivation relies on getting something in return. In particular, gamers are over 3x more interested in interacting with a discount code than simply promoting an app download. But as Coinbase showed, coupling your promotion with a sign-up or download can be an effective way to draw interest AND ultimately see growth.

Play All Four Quarters

Winning in football and mobile advertising is not just about one successful play. Consumers are cost-conscious when making purchases. They are discerning about apps they download - even if they are free. They are mindful of their time and are judicious on spending it without knowing they will see value in return. 

That’s why it’s important to uplevel your offense for your Super Bowl campaign. A commercial or ad may not get them to act right away, but it will grow your brand and draw attention. Offering them something relevant will lead them to your mobile site or app and that is where you can build trust and value. 

The mobile gaming audience is a big and active one. They’ll be looking for scores in the game and on their phones during the game. Get creative and offer value to ensure your campaign makes it to the endzone.

Need more advertising insights for the Big Game? Next week we’ll share our Defensive Playbook. Stay tuned!

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