The Defensive Playbook for Advertisers

Digital Turbine surveyed Super Bowl fans about how they’ll interact with their smartphone during the game. From this, we created the Definitive Advertising Guide for the Super Bowl (click for full infographic) to get brands ready for the Big Game. 

Super Bowl Advertisers expect millions of eyes for their big ad spend… but can they be sure? While viewers do care about the ads, they also care about grabbing chicken wings, checking their squares, AND scrolling on their smartphones. That’s why it’s important for advertisers to develop a complementary mobile strategy.

Last week, we shared our Offensive Playbook to show how brands win with mobile enhanced ads. This week we’re sharing our Defensive Playbook to show you how you can protect your ad buys and WIN the Super Bowl of Advertising.

Cover the Entire Field

Whether it’s including a mobile CTA in your commercial or launching a mobile-specific campaign, finding consumers on their smartphones extends your brand’s reach. While more than half (54%) said they are more interested in engaging on smartphones with mobile enhanced TV ads this year, last year only 25% of viewers interacted with TV ads on their smartphones…  and most of those were probably with the Coinbase QR code! Simply put, not everyone will engage with your ad in the moment. So while your play design might be perfect to capture those ready to engage, advertisers need to account for those viewers that slip past your ad’s defensive line.

Don’t Miss the Tackle

The good news is if even if viewers don’t interact in real time, they will still engage with your brand later. Survey results show that consumers will interact with a brand after seeing their ad in many ways - with search being the most preferred. Here are three ways to catch those consumers and make the tackle:

  1. Update keywords: Make it as easy as possible to find your brand. Add keywords to your site that directly relate to your Super Bowl ad. 
  2. Set up a campaign-specific landing page: Bridge the gap between the commercial and the mobile experience. Remind them what they came for by referencing the CTA or offer on the landing page.
  3. Invest in ASO: Even though it’s the least common interaction, 21% is not an insignificant number when it comes to the Super Bowl! Make sure there are no barriers for folks that DO want to download your app.

Get In the Game

In the Offensive Playbook, we shared that mobile gamers are a large and engaged part of the Super Bowl audience. In fact, 70% of Super Bowl viewers are playing mobile games regularly. So why not reach them where you know they will be? 

No matter the vertical, the Super Bowl buzz that lasts well beyond the game provides unique benefits for brands. In-game advertising offers interactive experiences that can extend your campaign and continue to capture eyeballs and attention in the weeks to come. This ensures brands are optimizing their ad budgets to build brand awareness and drive sales.

By leveraging the power of mobile, brands can engage with their audience in innovative ways during the game and long after. A robust mobile strategy, including in-game ads, can ensure that you are playing to win.

Want both the Offensive and Defensive Playbooks for Advertising? Download our newest infographic: The Big Game Plan: The Definitive Advertising Guide for the Super Bowl

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