Superstar Apps: What Are Native App Preloads and Why Do They Matter?

In the world of entertainment, everyoneloves a showstopper — but it’s often what goes on behind the scenes that makesa superstar appear so faultless in the eyes of their adoring public. It’sexactly the same in the equally glitzy world of smartphones. Sure, your latestmodel smartphone with its Dynamic AMOLED display, multiple lens camera and Octacore processor (what does this even mean?) is pretty impressive but it would benothing without its apps.

The fact is, regardless of thespecification of your device, it is the various apps installed on yoursmartphone that make it truly useful. If we weren’t able to access our email,our social media, various media players, games, news, weather, shopping app,health trackers, etc., etc., and the list goes on and on, there would be littlepoint of actually owning a smartphone.

The device might be the “headline act” atthe moment of unboxing but without the “supporting cast” of the apps hosted onthe phone’s home screen, its moment in the spotlight is going to be limited.


Smartphone manufacturers know that their "superstar" devices have to share some the spotlight with a "chorus line" of app developers to create a real buzz about their devices. This is why new devices always come dynamically installed (preloaded) with high-quality apps that users can engage with from the moment the stage is lit (or the device is powered-up).

For many smartphone owners, that moment ofunboxing would be unimaginable without seeing their favorite apps lined-up andready to go. It's also important to remember when half of all smartphone ownernever download an app from an app marketplace like Google Play, the moment ofunboxing might be their only opportunity to shine.


Apps that aren’t available during thepremier performance of a device have to fight for their place in spotlight andfame and fortune don’t come easily. This is especially true for apps hoping tomake it big via traditional routes to market.

It's not enough to have talent, app developers and marketers must constantly optimize their app listings and throw a ton of money at campaigns to ensure they, at the very least, stay visible. For every app that makes it, there are many more "wannabes".

Becomean Overnight Success

Success in the app game is very much likeshow business. It’s all about being seen by the right people, in the rightplace, at the right time. For ambitious app developers, this isn’t amongst thecrowds of wannabes, it’s up there on the main stage with all the other appsuperstars (thing Gmail, YouTube, Facebook, etc.).

Preloading creates the opportunity toposition your apps on specific devices or mobile networks ensuring you get theaudience you deserve. Preloading focuses the attention on your app at themoment of maximum device engagement – the unboxing. This is the moment whenusers want to be impressed and see exactly what they can do with their newdevice. If your app performs well on this debut performance, it stands a muchbetter chance of future engagement than it ever would languishing in the wings(Google Play).

FurtherReading: AppDistribution: Alternative Routes to Market for Android Developers.

Note: Dynamic Installs don't negate the need for talent. In fact, app quality is a pre-requisite of any pre-loading campaign. Device manufacturers will only share the stage with apps that meet specific standards in terms of quality and security.

Findingthe Right Audience

Success isn’t always about mass appeal.More often than not, it’s about finding the right audience. At Digital Turbinewe always strive to position the right app in front of the right people at theright time. This means carefully selecting the right manufacturers, devices,networks and geographies for preloaded apps to appear on. Depending on yourspecific targeting requirements, our experience can even help developers findthe right age, gender, and demographic to ensure their app finds a potentiallylucrative market.

Connecting developers to the right peopleat the various smartphone manufacturers and mobile networks is a complex task.The team at Digital Turbine have built their business on the back of successfulrelationships with all the major global smartphone brands and networks. Whetheryou are looking to find a new audience for your app in the Americas, Europe,Africa, Asia or the Pacific regions — we know the right people to speak to.

Preloadinga Springboard to Lifelong Success

Placing the right app in front of the rightaudience is only the first step towards app superstardom. Once you have builtyour audience and generated fans there is no stopping you. App developers canuse preloaded hero products to promote their wider portfolio of apps viatechnologies like Digital Turbine’s SingleTap™ Installs. This enables thedeveloper to create more opportunities to engage their audience and moreopportunities to drive profitable engagement through eCommerce, in-apppurchases, or advertising.

FurtherReading: Top Game Developer Enjoys 7x Lift inConversion Rates with SingleTap™ Installs.


If you have an app that deserves to be seen by a much wider audience, talk to one of our app marketing experts today about how Dynamic Installs can make you a star.

Update:There is still time to secure prime billing on populardevices in the run-up to the holidays but availability is limited. Call ustoday to secure your campaign.  

FurtherReading: YourApp: The Holiday Gift That Keeps on Giving Back.

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