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Smartphone Purchasing over the Holiday Season

Globally, there has been an upward trend in smartphone purchases since 2013. By the end of the year, it is projected that global smartphone revenue will hit $425.9 billion dollars, with Android devices taking the lead with an 85% share of the global market.One of the most popular times of year to make smartphone purchases is during the holiday season. Between Black Friday and Christmas, people are purchasing smartphones for themselves and for others.Blannco Technology Group surveyed 1,000 worldwide smartphone users to uncover consumer purchasing plans for the upcoming holiday season.68% of the group said they planned to purchase a smartphone during the holiday season, for either themselves or as a gift.Only 22% of respondents said they had no plan to purchase a new device and 10% of respondents were undecided.


Of the respondents who plan to make a purchase during the season, over two-thirds are considering to do it during Black Friday and/or Cyber Monday.


With big deals and promotions in the works, consumers are preparing to fight through the Black Friday crowds to walk away with a deal. For those who’d rather shop at their leisure, it’s likely there will still be plenty of deals offered by mobile carriers and retail stores throughout the holiday season.

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