Mobile Monday: Three Ways to Win the World Cup

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Soccer’s biggest tournament is here! The games are underway, and the battle is fierce - not only among teams, but also for brands as they battle for your attention! Here are three ways brands can score during the World Cup:

A whopping 83% of world cup viewers say they will consider purchasing a product they saw advertised. Which makes the most important part of the game simply showing up!

The best way to rise above the fray? Being funny! When asked what they want from ads, 62% of viewers said humor - easily topping “heartwarming” which was a distant second at 40%.

The World Cup is a long tournament. Keeping your brand front and center will pay off as 54% of viewers will look up an ad aired again. Back up your ads with a strong mobile presence and it will pay off.

Want to know more about what consumers want from their mobile experience during the World Cup? Check out our World Cup blog and infographic.

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