Mobile Monday: A Leisurely Stream

What’s the buzz in mobile this week? Jumpstart your week here:

We’re bored a lot. And when we do, we check our phones a lot. In fact, the average American checks their phone every 4 minutes! So it’s no surprise that two of the top reasons people download an app are, basically, because we want something to do. 

So what are we seeking during those moments? Well, games, social media, news, dating apps, sports, and shopping all have their places in our leisure time. But one of people’s most favorite pastimes is streaming content. 

After all, what better way to spend your leisure time than with aliens or serial killers? 

Despite always being on the lookout for streaming content, we also face a plethora of options! And while it’s easy to choose when a new season of Stranger Things is available, those opportunities come only a couple times a year. So marketers need a secret weapon to be relevant ALL the time: Discovery UA. Recently we looked at 4 reasons why this is the cornerstone to a winning UA strategy

  1. 1. The Taste Test: Streaming providers provide freemium tiers to invite people to “try” their content. Discovery UA extends that by giving consumers glimpses of your brand. Think of it like streaming content window shopping!
  2. 2. Apple of Their Eye: Apple has discovery mechanisms throughout its devices for all its news, music, and video. And when it gave Shazam premium placement for discovery, the app experienced massive growth.
  3. 3. “Prime” Position: Our phones are where we look when we’re bored - so we’ll happily take discovery recommendations from it when given. Consider Amazon’s Alexa which is always recommending Amazon Music and Video content.
  4. 4. We Lean in When We Lean Back: Advertisers often wrongly assume that lean-back moments aren’t optimal placements. But when we’re bored and looking for something, that’s the time we’re most impressionable!

So what’s the best way to capture attention during lean-back moments?

Stay tuned this week as we Explore Consumer’s Mobile App Habits and How to Best Capture The Hidden Leisure Time Opportunity.

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