Mobile gaming was always a bit of an oxymoron. Even before the current shelter in place and self-quarantining measures were rolled out, it’s fair to say that many of us mobile gamers were far from mobile. So it’s perhaps with just a tiny hint of smugness that we can finally say while sitting on the sofa and flexing our thumb muscles over the latest and greatest “Battle Royale” or “MMORPG” app, that mobile gaming is actually good for our health.Jokes aside, since the global lockdown begun in March, gaming app downloads have helped us cope with the tedium of isolation from the world. As a result, Digital Turbine has seen a dramatic increase in the number of gaming apps downloaded and activated across its network of mobile networks and OEMs.Gaming 1 - Social Media 0Gaming is clearing winning during the lockdown.During the first weeks of lockdown, Verizon reported a staggering 115% increase in demand from gamers across its network compared to pre-pandemic levels. Interestingly, during this same period, social media remained flat and, at times, even saw a decline. Perhaps people just don’t feel that sociable at a time when we are all locked up at home. Or perhaps they just wanted to have a little fun and escapism away from the fear and uncertainty of the “new normal” social media is so keen to tell us all about.While many other mobile applications such as video (+36%), voice (+25%), and online browsing (+27%) saw a significant increase in use following the lockdown, nothing came close to gaming.Despite the fact so many of us are now “working” from home, gaming even eclipsed more “professional” mobile app solutions like the VPNs we all need to connect to our office networks. Well, you know what they say about all work and no play…A Captive but Competitive MarketWhile gaming is undoubtedly proving a popular pastime while so many other things are off the agenda, there are no certainties in what is an extremely competitive market. With more than $30 billion being spent annually by gaming app companies on promoting their gaming apps — they certainly aren’t playing for fun.Note: According to data from AppsFlyer, global marketing spend on gaming apps is going to increase to just below $50 billion by 2022.Gaming is big business and there are very real winners and losers — and nobody likes being a loser (especially when you are playing a game worth millions of dollars to your bottom line).Play Professionally Digital Turbine works with leading game developers from all four corners of the world, helping them find new players, and ultimately winning at the high-risk game of return-on-investment.Our solutions help them position their apps on popular Android devices so they are ready to be activated and played from the moment of unboxing and drive frictionless downloads with a SingleTap™ from in-app advertising, emails, SMS campaigns, and web links.What Are We Playing?We don’t just market gaming apps, we play them. Seriously, would you trust anyone to market your gaming app who doesn’t lose themselves to a little fun every now and again? So what’s making our thumbs twitch in-between client meetings during lockdown?
To learn how Digital Turbine can help you level-up on your next app marketing campaign, contact us today and ask to speak with one of our gaming app marketing experts.