Introducing the New DT for Brands & Agencies

Last year might have been the first time you had heard of Digital Turbine as a brand or agency marketer, but rest assured, you’ll be hearing much more from us! The individuals and teams you’ve found success with over the year from AdColony are still here, and while they might have a different email domain, they remain as committed to helping you hit your KPIs as ever and have a whole new slew of tools to do it!Over the past year and a half, we’ve been hard at work bringing together technology, best practices, and most importantly, people to form the best mobile advertising platform out there.We’re delighted to announce we’ve consolidated many of the features and unique innovations brands and agencies have come to expect from our brand awareness campaigns under the DT Reach product suite, including some that will be familiar and some that are new.

DT Reach

Whether your campaign is to drive sales of the latest packaged consumer goods, drive hungry travelers to your restaurants, or even get them to the movie theatre for your studio’s latest release, DT Reach campaigns leverage the power of sight, sound, and motion only mobile can offer. Thanks to the On-Device technology of Digital Turbine, you can (ahem) reach consumers in more than just in-app environments now through OS-level interactions. This is all in addition to an SDK reach second only to Google across the apps brands want to be seen in and that consumers love.

DT Creative Labs

Mobile campaigns return the best results when their creative is designed from the ground up for consumers’ favorite screens, not replaying the same trailer from CTV or banner ads they’ve seen elsewhere. DT Creative Labs takes mobile to the next level as part of your next campaign with Digital Turbine.With hundreds of awards over the past several years, you’re almost certainly familiar with the work done by our Creative team. Now their work can be seen in more places than ever before.

DT Growth

Built around our powerful user acquisition tools for performance advertisers for both gaming and non-gaming apps. DT Growth complements our Reach product suite perfectly, and the right solution for your next campaign might contain parts of both or just part of one or the other; the common factor is our commitment to your campaign goals and objectives.With both offerings, you will continue to receive the partnership, superior app media delivery, and level of service that exceeds brand objectives across full-funnel solutions that you’ve become accustomed to, now enriched by on-device opportunities with incremental reach at every touchpoint throughout the mobile user journey.We have a short FAQ below. Still have questions? Reach out to your Digital Turbine contact, or click the contact button at the top of this page if you don’t have one.

How does this coming together impact my UA/app-install campaigns?

If you are currently running app install campaigns with Digital Turbine, there is a significant improvement in terms of access to inventory - Our combined SDK footprint is second only to Google, giving advertisers unprecedented reach and scale . This means your campaigns will have greater reach, and more options for formats, effective immediately. In addition, Digital Turbine offers UA marketers a variety of channels for running user acquisition campaigns - on-device preloading with Digital Turbine, programmatic UA, DT Offer Wall, and many more.

How does the new Digital Turbine impact my brand awareness/non-app-install campaigns?

Combined, our SDK footprint is second only to Google, giving brands unprecedented reach and scale. This means your brand campaigns will have greater reach, and more options for formats, effective immediately. For more details, reach out to your sales/account manager.There are several unique options for brand growth and brand app-install with Digital Turbine via the on-device Ignite platform and services as well.

Will Digital Turbine be creating unique fingerprints for devices that do not opt-in to tracking on iOS?

No.Optimization and efficiency will be done on a privacy-compliant basis.

Under the unified Digital Turbine brand, how can my brand take advantage of accessing the additional reach & scale that the combined AdColony and Fyber SDK footprint bring?

Both legacy AdColony and Fyber platforms have been combined into the new and improved “DT Exchange”. With a single access point, you will continue to receive highly viewable, fraud-free and brand safe inventory, access to mobile-first audiences, our award-winning creative services while agnostically measuring your media with your partners of choice - now with more scale for in-app video and display advertising across the DT Exchange.

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