Creative Showcase: Bear Brand

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit Indonesia, the Indonesian government imposed the lockdown across the country. During this period, people spent more time on their mobile phones and placed more emphasis to improve their health and fitness to reduce the risk of being infected with the virus.

As Indonesia transitioned to the new normal and people began to resume their routines, Bear Brand wanted to provide reassurance and support to these people with important tips to stay safe and healthy during this time, and encourage consumers to have a can of Bear Brand sterilized milk drink handy at all times.

About the Campaign

Getting used to new routines and habits is never easy. As people gradually resume their routines during the transition period, Bear Brand wanted to be a part of this new routine to help Indonesians be prepared and to thrive in the new normal.

With the pandemic dampening overall morale, Bear Brand also wanted to spread positivity in the community to unite and combat the COVID-19 virus together.

With those insights and objectives in mind, Bear Brand launched the Bear Brand Come Back Stronger campaign. The campaign strategy was to create awareness for its sterilized milk drink, communicating its brand message to remind consumers to maintain strict health protocol and to drink Bear Brand at the start or end of their day.

How did it work?

Indonesia is a social media-driven country when it comes to media use and people are constantly seeking the latest happenings and opinions on various social channels. To better understand the sentiments among Indonesians, Bear Brand wanted to listen to the voices of its consumers at any given moment.

To ensure that the mobile campaign delivers the right message to the right audience, Bear Brand collaborated with Digital Turbine to combine the power of social media and audience targeting capability to dynamically deliver ads with relevant messages to consumers based on the current social sentiments.

The campaign hashtag #SiapNewNormal (#ReadyForNewNormal) and a list of keywords were used to run the social sentiment analysis on the social listening platform, extracting tweets and posts from various social media platforms in real-time. From the analysis, the mobile ad unit will dynamically change its content based on the current social sentiment and the trending hashtags and keywords before it is delivered to users.


The mobile ad began with a video, sending messages to the consumer on the importance of keeping clean and being safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Users were then prompted to tap and drag essential items into a bag, including a face mask, a bottle of hand sanitizer, and a can of Bear Brand. The video concluded with an end-card with custom positive messages and a call-to-action that invited users to visit the Bear Brand eCommerce website to purchase the product.

The mobile ad unit brought to the forefront the importance of maintaining good health with Bear Brand’s milk and adhering to the safety measures in order to protect themselves against the COVID-19 virus. Combined with social sentiment analysis and precise audience targeting, the Bear Brand Come Back Stronger campaign was a huge success.

Campaign Results

The Bear Brand Come Back Stronger campaign achieved 91.26% viewability. The campaign proved to be very relevant to the consumers, and garnered a video completion rate of 88.07% (industry benchmark of 40%) and an engagement rate of 17.44% (industry benchmark of 1%).

The campaign also made an impact in keeping Indonesians positive, as most of the ads were served with positive sentiments, successfully achieving their brand objectives.

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