6 Reasons Ad Agencies Prefer Native Mobile App Advertising over Traditional Display

The average adult spends 2.8 hours a day on their mobile device and spend 85 percent of their time on their smartphone using native applications. By having the app natively installed on the phone, advertisers gain brand recognition from day one of the customer’s phone experience.Ad agencies tasked with building their clients brands are increasingly leveraging native app advertising – Here’s why:1) Greater RelevancyNative ads, by nature, require a level of relevancy by virtue of requiring creative and custom implementation. Many users and advertisers alike are continually providing feedback that standard banners are no longer acceptable forms of advertising.2) Higher conversion ratesDigital Turbine’s native App Installs achieve, on average, a conversion rate of 25% while traditional display advertising produces conversion rates varying from 1-2%. By utilizing Native App Installs, advertisers are able to get directly on the home screen of their customer’s device while creating a remarkably better brand experience as a whole.3) Fewer failure points during the app install processWith traditional display advertising, there are multiple ‘failure points’ along the install process for advertisers to lose the customer. Slow load times and customers multitasking with multiple click-throughs to different landing pages can lead to users not completing the app download process.4) "Personal Impressions" - your phone is personalThe average person checks his or her phone 46 times every single day. By utilizing native app installs, advertisers can leverage this into their mobile marketing strategy and increase their number of daily brand impressions exponentially.5) EngagementNative advertising as a whole drives a much higher engagement rate than traditional banner ads. In fact, engagement rates are 20 to 60 percent higher on native ads than on banner ads and they drive retention rates that are three times higher. This results in CPMs that are seven times higher for native advertising.6) Apps are the destination - native is the new mobile advertising mediumAccording to a recent report, media buyers will spend $84.5 billion on mobile advertising by 2020, with mobile accounting for over 75% of all digital ad spend globally. And the fastest growing ad format in digital advertising is found in third-party in-app native advertising. Pre-installed apps are a great way to reach users in their native habitat.Agencies and advertisers should leverage these tools now to get ahead of the game by adding native app installs to their media toolkit.Contact Digital Turbine to find out how we can help.

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