4 Ways to Improve App Promotion Campaigns

We are officially in a time where mobile apps are dominating the digital playing field. According to Statista, mobile app downloads are expected to reach 205 billion in 2019 and 258 billion in 2022 – a 45% percent increase over five years. As users quickly move from desktops to hand-held devices, brands need to shift focus to their mobile apps, and fast.Though it sounds simple enough, actually doing so requires a well-built strategy complete with many awareness and engagement tactics. Luckily, our team has identified the top four ways to improve your app promotion campaigns. Develop an Omnichannel Strategy You can have engaging email journeys, interactive social media campaigns, and a well-designed website, but if these channels don't work together, you could be losing part of your customer-base. Sadly, 55% of companies have no cross-channel strategy in place, but because the majority of customers are multiplatform and multi-screen, you need to have consistent experiences across devices. Recent data shows that multi-screen customers actually have a higher LTV. The Speigel Research Center at Northwestern University found that shoppers who use a computer, tablet, and smartphone order 26% more often than PC-only shoppers and spend on average $14.37 more per order. By implementing an omnichannel marketing strategy, you will prioritize these customers and see a boost in LTV. Make your desktop and mobile site look the same - and even carry over those colors and features to your mobile app. If you use email campaigns and SMS messaging, use the same language and tone. And if you don’t use email or SMS outreach, start doing so immediately. Work with your marketing team to reach your customers effectively, efficiently, and similarly. Take Advantage of Your Mobile Site Many brands make one critical mistake: they think of their mobile site and mobile app as two separate channels for customer acquisition. When in reality, they sit on the same platform: smartphones. In 2018, consumers spent 42% of their online time on mobile devices and 58% of total website visits were attributed to mobile sites. In addition, smartphone users spend 7x more time in native apps than in browsers. And recent research by Criteo shows that mobile apps deliver 2x the new user retention power. So how can you take advantage of your mobile site in your app promotion campaigns? By linking the two together. Have a page dedicated to your app where you provide further information on updates of your app. Write blogs that explore common problems your app can help solve. Or if you’re a gaming company, maybe talk about how much mobile gaming has improved recently.And if you’re truly looking to develop a seamless mobile-to-app experience, think about advertising for your app on your website. This can help you easily convert web traffic to app users - without them ever leaving your site. Looking for more specific ways to advertise your app instead? Check out our App Advertising Best Practices eBook. Here, you’ll find tips and tricks for advertising in the Google Play Store, on landing pages, and even through videos.View our AppAdvertising Best Practices eBookControl Your Funnel Thanks to search ads, social media, blog posts, reviews and even word of mouth, your customers’ journeys can look very different. So how can you control the journeys and conversion funnel? By identifying all areas of drop-off through data collection and analytics. The best marketers are 56% more likely to use data and analytics platforms, and only 19% of marketers track all of their marketing efforts. Be a part of the 19%. Doing so will help you understand where there are long gaps between a customer’s engagement and from what channel these gaps originate from. Controlling the drop-offs leads to controlling the conversion funnel. Maybe you see high engagement with your Google Play link, but see little conversions to app-install. How can you better convince the customer to click download instead of existing? If your first thought is to bypass the Google Play Store entirely, good call. By clicking here, you can have your app skip the store and create a frictionless install experience for most of your Android users.Utilize Existing App Portfolio If you already have multiple mobile apps or are looking to launch another, this last tip is for you. While acquiring new users is crucial to growing your customer base and profit, consider tapping into your current customers as well. These current users have already been sold, are active and (more than likely) are loyal to your brand - use this to your advantage. Promote your upcoming app within your existing app. According to a recent study, many gamers interact with ads within games, and Only 23% of respondents felt that sponsored content had a negative effect on their enjoyment of a game.By using in-app ads and pop-ups, you can seamlessly lead users to a new and relevant experience. The One-Stop-Shop SolutionThink of Digital Turbine as a bridge between advertisers and consumers. Our Ignite technology sits directly on the device, giving advertisers unique access to millions of new users. SingleTapTM, existing within Ignite, creates a frictionless app install experience through (yes) a single tap. To gain access to over 100 million Android devices in the United States or to learn more about SingleTapTM capabilities, reach out to the Digital Turbine team. Learn More about SingleTap

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