3 Thoughts Why When It Comes to UA, Easy Does It

Key Takeaways:

  • Digital Turbine recently placed on the Singular 2021 ROI Index and was featured in Forbes
  • Both Singular and Forbes indicated that removing friction and making it easier for the consumer was critical for the future of UA
  • On-device solutions have been successful for a variety of categories - games, retail, on-demand, news, streaming, travel, social, finance, and more. 
  • Frictionless solutions help consumers discover on the first day of phone ownership - and on every day following

Following the recent reveal of the Singular 2021 ROI Index, I had the pleasure of chatting with Peggy Anne Salz from Forbes about Digital Turbine’s place on the index and the future of UA. At DT, our laser focus is on removing the friction from the process to make it as easy as possible to connect advertisers to their audience.While many of the same players are, rightfully, still anchored in the Index, Peggy was correct to indicate the “seismic shift” that has taken place within the index for how advertisers can improve on the ROI of their campaigns - and it all comes down to removing friction. Here are 3 additional thoughts I wanted to share about how when it comes to UA, Easy Does It:

  • Being There Is Half The Battle. There’s a reason on-device solutions have click-to-install ratios that are 8x the industry average. On-device solutions keep your app top of mind - so when they have a need or desire for your app, they know where to find it. Consider the early days of Windows where simple games like Minesweeper and Solitaire were included with the OS. People played them simply because they were there - not because they were better than other games.
  • It’s not just about games. Game companies have always been innovative when cutting through the noise with interactive and playable ads. And sure enough, we have more game apps than any other category. But now with the number of apps in the Play Store approaching 3 million, other categories also need to cut through the noise. That’s why we’ve seen tremendous growth in retail, on-demand, news, streaming, travel, social, and other non-game categories. And much of their success is rooted in the new device install frenzy - where new device owners install 3x more apps than those with older phones.
  • Skip the store… Every Day. But making it easy isn’t just about the first day. The UA process is filled with friction - seeing an ad, clicking, going to the store, determining whether to install, and the install itself - that can derail a user from getting your app. By skipping the store, you remove a LOT of those hurdles and give users a direct path to install. Our on-device solutions give that frictionless experience to users on the first day of phone ownership - and every following day with our SingleTap solution. 

People these days are normally overwhelmed. We’re bombarded with options at the store, when we watch TV, and in the app store. In each case, people have sought solutions like Amazon and Netflix because they simplify their choices and keep things they need or desire top of mind. Apps are no exception to that. Which means the winner in the UA game will be those that understand that when it comes to discovering apps - Easy Does It.

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