3 Things About the Power of the Preload in Brazil

Brazil has a teeming market for mobile apps - filled with young, mobile savvy consumers. These consumers, however, operate on mobile a bit differently - which means UA campaign success will also look a bit different. Because of their growing appreciation for the ease and frictionless capability of mobile, they also have a large appreciation for discovery. A recent survey of Brazil consumers validated this showing that the preload opportunity is perfect for the Brazil market.For starters, Brazilians have several traits that make them desirable for Preload campaigns:

  1. They spend 5.4 hours per day on mobile compared to 3.9 hours for US Consumers
  2. 78% prefer buying in an app versus all other payment options
  3. Sales thrive in ecommerce categories: shopping, food delivery, and travel
  4. 60% of installations come from ad campaigns

The market has grown rapidly, from a 53.3% smartphone penetration in 2016 to 75.6% last year, and still has room to grow with Statista estimating it to jump to 84.2% by 2026. So new phone users are still growing. And sure enough, our data does show that all methods of app discovery have high levels of interest in the first 3 months of phone ownership. But sustained UA growth in Brazil means understanding how to target consumers not only in those first 3 months - but in the years beyond.Here’s 3 Things About the Power of the Preload

  • Preloads rank highest in terms of what’s appreciated: All consumers in Brazil prefer preloads over other UA experiences - with 18% being more likely to find them more helpful than ads and 57% more likely to find them more helpful than going to the store.
  • Preloads grow in appeal the longer someone has been using smartphones: While preloads are great for first time phone owners, in Brazil the popularity of preloads GROWS the longer someone has been using smartphones - from 46% in the first few years of ownership to 54% after 5 years.
  • Digital Turbine offers solutions for New Devices Owners and Experienced Owners:
    1. Smart delivery and wizards on new phones can help UA marketers attract those New Device Owners in Brazil’s still growing smartphone market.
    2. App recommendations will ensure that consumers see the latest and greatest apps throughout device ownership every time they do a software update.

We’ve helped several leading apps find success in the Brazil market through our on-device solutions. Contact us today if you would like to join them.

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