2016 Mobile Purchasing Trends and Black Friday Expectations

One way to prepare is to get to know the current mobile purchasing trends and get an idea of what to expect from current customer behavior this coming Black Friday.

Mobile Purchasing Trends

In 2015, 57.2 percent of all Black Friday traffic online came from mobile - a 174% increase in mobile usage compared to 2014. During Cyber Monday last year, 49 percent of web traffic and 28 percent of sales occurred via mobile. Purchasing behavior shows that the majority of customers use mobile to make their online purchases and this trend is only expected to grow.Below are some of the current trends affecting online shopping along with a quick recommendation on how to adapt your current marketing strategy.

  • Currently, three of every ten e-commerce purchases are via mobile and the behavior is spreading. Consider whether or not the e-commerce platform chosen enhances the customer experience. E-commerce businesses should expect more purchases using mobile devices.
  • Mobile web adoption is significantly outpacing that of previous web adoption. Consumers are prepped and ready to buy via a mobile web platform.
  • Retail apps are used by 88 percent of consumers. Build brand awareness and stronger relationships with users looking to use retail apps.
  • For every 4 users that installed a new retail app, 1 purchased within 24 hours. Make the installation and purchasing process easy.
  • 1 out of 3 shoppers used their mobile phone to make a purchase on Thanksgiving or Black Friday. Websites need to be mobile-friendly to assist in the conversion process.

Estimates show that more people are planning to skip the lines and shop online this year. Potential customers are using their mobile devices to research the best deals, read product reviews and more to make their final purchasing decision. There is no getting away from the fact that mobile is coming to dominate the marketplace.

What Can Retailers and E-commerce Businesses Expect?

The 2015 holiday season raked in 12.5 billion in mobile alone. This year, mobile purchases will account for 20 billion in sales for the holiday season. Mobile websites and mobile apps are vital to the overall sales made during Black Friday and into the Christmas countdown. Mobile apps are of particular interest to the user that wants a closer relationship with a retail brand - this relationahip can pay off in higher conversion rates and an increase in lifetime value for every acquired customer. It is time for retailers and those with online shopping platforms to take notice and create additional mobile opportunities for a seamless online shopping experience for Black Friday 2016 and beyond.

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